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Rahul Mehra

System Analyst (Wipro) | Posted on | others

What are some tips to prevent tyre bursts while driving high-speeds on highways?


Manager at Amazon | Posted on

1. Take regular breaks

The best way to drive during this hot weather is taking regular breaks to cool down the tyres. The air inside the tyres starts losing its temperature when a car comes to a halt. Hence, taking regular breaks ensures that the air inside the car tyres never gets too hot and they won’t burst.

2. Don't go beyond 100 kmph

Always remember, higher the speed of the car, higher the friction between the road and the tyres. Hence, higher friction leads to increase in temperature of the air inside the tyres. So, it’s best to avoid very high speeds during summers. Keep the car below 100 kmph.

3. Check air pressure

Make sure the tyres are correctly inflated. Maintaining the right air pressure is of utmost importance to prevent tyre bursts. Get the air pressure checked immediately after you start driving.

4. Use nitrogen in tyres

Nitrogenis less likely to migrate throughtyrerubber than oxygen, which means that your tyrepressures will remain more stable over the long term.

5. Don’t overload

Remember, tyres are the only parts of your car that are constantly in contact with the road. Overloading puts a direct stress on them, which can increase the chances of a tyre burst. Hence, never overload your car.
