What are some tremendous scientific facts that people consider false? - letsdiskuss
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Sumil Yadav

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What are some tremendous scientific facts that people consider false?


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Many times it happens that it is difficult for a person to believe in something he does not know. However, the world of science and scientists is different and they often present such truths that it is very difficult for a common man to understand and believe. Some interesting facts are given here.

* Longest living organism: By the way, if someone is asked which organism has won the longest, the first answer comes tortoise. But from scientific research, the name of this organism is Greenland Shark which has lived for 242 years. This is some new information for a common man. Letsdiskuss
* Melting Road: Although the road of asphalt is seen by everyone, according to scientists, it is the element that melts at the lowest rate. By the way, the experiment used for this is also the world's largest experiment which started in 1927, which is still in operation. Melting Road
* Largest tree: By the way, this tree is not only human but also a pride for the whole of India because this tree is located in Kolkata and is spread in 15000 square feet. Largest tree