What are the a simple DIY mask to solve all your hair issues ? - letsdiskuss
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Simran Kapoor

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What are the a simple DIY mask to solve all your hair issues ?


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A simple DIY mask to solve all your hair issues

Your kitchen sink may help and solve all your hair issues.
Hair care is just as important as skincare, but it is often overlooked. But when we close the lid, we have more time on our hands, so why not make the money you love (read: nourish and move the skin and hair). So take some things out of the kitchen sink and use them to say to all your hairdressers.
The main cause of dandruff, which can cause excessive itching, is dry skin. The skin needs nourishment and moisture, and the best way to treat this is to massage using this three-ingredient mask. For a mask, whisk one lemon and add 4-5 tablespoons of coconut oil and a teaspoon of camphor powder and mix until the camphor melts. Then apply this mask to your hair and focus on your skin, and then soften it with circular motion. After it is applied, wrap your hair with warm towel for 30 minutes and then wash it with a gentle shampoo.
Limp hair
Limp hair has also been caused by thirst and malnutrition. So get that light back by using a simple mask you need for bananas, a little bit of honey and tree oil. Mix them up and apply them to your skin, lowering your fibers. Keep this mask for 20 minutes and then rinse with a gentle shampoo.
Oily skin
Oily scales can result in irritation and scalp as well as give hair a lighter look. This is one of the most common hair problems during the summer months due to increased sweating. Tea tree oil has a cooling properties and is ideal for hair. All you need to do is mix 4-6 drops and two tablespoons of baking soda, four tablespoons of water. The quality level of baking soda will help in getting oil and also promotes hair growth.
Hair growth
This simple mask with two frugal ingredients is a great way to promote hair growth. Apply it on your hair and leave for 30 minutes before washing your normal hair.
Hair growth


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For the cover, crush one lemon and include 4-5 tablespoons of coconut oil and a teaspoon of camphor powder and blend till the camphor breaks up. At that point apply this veil on your hair concentrating on your scalp, and back rub it in a roundabout movement...


Blogger | Posted on

For the cover, crush one lemon and include 4-5 tablespoons of coconut oil and a teaspoon of camphor powder and blend till the camphor disintegrates. At that point apply this veil on your hair concentrating on your scalp, and back rub it in a roundabout movement