What are the amazing facts about Apple? - letsdiskuss
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Sumil Yadav

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What are the amazing facts about Apple?


blogger | Posted on


Apple earn $300,000 and it is more than the entire Russian market.

One of the most valuable company apple, has more open cases than the U.S. Treasury,
Apple’s co-founder Ronald Wayne sold all his apple shares for $800, which today have been worth $35 Billion.
Apple has over 80,000 employee all over the world.
You have a better chance of getting accepted at Harvard university than getting a job at Apple Store.
Apple’s I phone has higher sales than everything Microsoft has to offer.
In the first quarter of 2014, Apple earned more than Google, Amazon and Facebook combined.
Smoking near Apple’s computers voids its warranty.
In every AD, Apple time display says 9:41 AM, the time when Steve Jobs reviled the first I phone.
Steve Jobs dunked the first type of I pod to demonstrate that it could be made smaller ,since there was space for air bubble inside.
In 2012, Apple sold 340,000 I phones everyday.
An Apple Headquarter’s employee earns $125,000 per year.
Apple is infamously secretive. It supposedly create fake projects, so they know who’s is responsible for fake news.
Everything you say to siri is send to Apple. Stored and Analyzed.
Apple’s retina display in I pad is made by Samsung , and is its most expensive component.
Samsung also make about 30% of A8 processors chip which goes inside of I Phone 6.
The creator of I pod first offered the device to Philips and real network and they turned it down.
The battery of an Apple Mac Book can save your life, it is bulletproof.
Apple made a gaming console called Pippin only 100.000 were manufactured. Reportedly only half of them were sold.
A rare Apple-1 computer that Steve Jobs built in his garage in 1976 was auctioned in 2014 for $905,000.
Around 2700 of Apple’s Lisa computer are buried in a landfill in Utah. After the product failed miserably.
Apple didn’t own the original trademark of I Phone, Cisco did.
In 1996, Apple launched its clothing line which eventually bombed.
Apple is named Apple after the fruit, because silicon valley was based in fruit orchards. It also appealed to then fruitarian Steve Jobs.


Blogger | Posted on


Apple earns $300,000 and it is more than the entire Russian market.

One of the most valuable company apples, has more open cases than the U.S. Treasury,

Apple’s co-founder Ronald Wayne sold all his Apple shares for $800, which today have been worth $35 Billion.

Apple has over 80,000 employees all over the world.

You have a better chance of getting accepted at Harvard university than getting a job at Apple Store.

Apple’s I phone has higher sales than everything Microsoft has to offer.

In the first quarter of 2014, Apple earned more than Google, Amazon and Facebook combined.

Smoking near Apple’s computers voids its warranty.

In every AD, Apple time display says 9:41 AM, the time when Steve Jobs reviled the first I phone.

Steve Jobs dunked the first type of I pod to demonstrate that it could be made smaller since there was space for air bubble inside.

In 2012, Apple sold 340,000 I phones every day.

An Apple Headquarter’s employee earns $125,000 per year.

Apple is infamously secretive. It supposedly creates fake projects, so they know who’s is responsible for fake news.

Everything you say to Siri is sent to Apple. Stored and Analyzed.

Apple’s retina display in I pad is made by Samsung and is its most expensive component.


Delhi Press | Posted on

There are a lot of them. Here a list of some lesser known and amazing facts about Apple. To begin with –

1. Originally, Apple had three co-founders. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. The third co-founder, Ronald Wayne joined the other two co-founders but left the company in just 12 days after the company was founded. The 10% share that he had, he sold them for $800 only and got $1500 additional payout. If Wayne had stayed with the company, his shares would have been worth $60 billion today! But still the 80 years old Wayne says that he has no regrets.

2. There were many mysterious surrounded the reason for the name of the company Apple. But the truth is that it was the fruit that Steve Jobs loved, so he named the company as Apple. As simple as that!

3. Apple Inc. has almost twice operating cash as in the US Government treasury.

4. There is a ‘no smoking’ ban in their computers. Smoking near an Apple computer may void its warranty. So, you shouldn’t smoke in back, front, top or side of any Mac.

5. In the Apple ads, the time on their products is always set to 9:41. This is the time when Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone.

6. The name ‘MacIntosh’ or ‘Mac’ was named by one of the Apple’s employee, Jef Raskin. He was developing it so he named it after his favorite apple variety, the McIntosh.

7. In the first quarter of 2014, Apple made more money than Google, Amazon and Facebook together.

8. Apple’s first logo was designed by the third co-founder of Apple, Wayne. It featured Sir Isaac Newton sitting under a tree with an Apple just about to fall on his head.

9. There is around $150 billion in excess capital Apple has. It could buy companies like Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, Dropbox, Spotify, Pandora and Tesla.

10. Apple I was first sold for 666.66 USD, but not for a satanic reason. Steve Wozniak said that it was because he was fond of recurring digits and when the price worked out at 667 USD, he changed it to 666.66 USD because it was easy to write. To raise money for buying parts and building the first few orders of the Apple I, Jobs sold his Volkswagen and Steve Wozniak, who was working at HP back then, sold his scientific calculator (Hewlett-Packard 65) for $500.

That’s my top 10!



Blogger | Posted on

Here's a reality about Apple for ya: Apple does not realize that PEOPLE WOULD RATHER HAVE THEIR HEADPHONE JACK BACK THAN HAVE THEIR PHONE WATERPROOF. Indeed, Apple, you read that accurately. I can't connect a receiver, selfie stick, speaker, and above all an earphone if it's not Bluetooth. I need to utilize that connector thing that I lose constantly.

Truly, we get it, you folks need more cash on your overrated gadgets, and on your Mac as well, I can't utilize it without a connector.

I stick to Apple since it's spotless and basic, yet I would of never figured it would be this basic. Earphone jack less straightforward. Earphone jack less spotless.

That is it im just going to go change to Andriod at that point. Why not? Look what you have made, even more explanation behind your customers to switch. Farewell Apple.

Hi Samsung. The organization that could keep their telephone waterproof, with an earphone jack.


Blogger | Posted on

Apple 1, Apple’s first computer did not include monitor, keyboard or case and it was an assembled circuit board.


@letsuser | Posted on

1. The iphone was almost named something else, with the company considering names such as Mobi, Telepod, and Tripod. The name “iPad” was also considered for its smartphone.

2. Apple is pretty secretive. The company is said to have created fake projects for employees and management to work on. If the news leaks, you can hit the road. They’ll know exactly who spilled the beans.

3. The original Apple logo was designed by co-founder Ronald Wayne, who worked at Atari along with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, and is nothing like the one the company uses today.

4. At one point, Apple did not have the option to market its iPhone in Brazil, as another company owned the trademark. IGM Electronics, a telecommunications company, was the thorn in Apple’s side until the iPhone maker won a trademark case in the country.

5. Apple's first computer, the Apple 1, was actually a "do-it-yourself" kit that required people to build their own case. It retailed for an extremely devilish $666.66.

6. If you had bought 100 shares of Apple stock for $22 each at its 1980 IPO, it would be worth around $600,000 today — before dividends.


Blogger | Posted on

Mac's two originators, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, are outstanding. What is less notable is that there was a third establishing part, Ronald Wayne.

Wayne sold his 10% stake in the organization for $800 only 12 days after it was established in April 1976. He got a further $1,500 payout. On the off chance that he had stayed with the organization, his offer would now be worth $100bn.


Blogger | Posted on

Apple is the biggest publically exchanged organization the US by showcase capitalization (the estimation of its offers).

However, it's difficult to fold your head over that reality.

Would you be able to picture the estimation of Apple's offers, $750 billion?

The iPhone's prominence has slung Apple from a longshot battling IBM to seemingly the best shopper gadgets organizations out there.

To underscore how enormous Apple has become, I've assembled some amazing realities about the business.

1. Mac originated from humble beginnings - actually, to raise enough money to begin the organization, Steve Jobs sold his Volkswagen Camper Van for $1,500, and Steve Wozniak sold his Hewlett-Packard programmable number cruncher for $500.