What are the benefits of a hair conditioner? - letsdiskuss
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What are the benefits of a hair conditioner?


Student | Posted on

After you've washed your hair with shampoo, the next step is to condition your hair. Your hair will be softer and detangled after using a conditioner. This conditioner contains vitamin E and amino acids, which assist to keep your hair moisturised and prevent damage.

In the shower, I use a hydrating shampoo followed by a rinse-out conditioner every other day or so. My naturally curly hair requires a lot more attention or it would become knotted and break. If I'm not swimming, I apply a deep conditioner beneath a conditioning cap every two weeks throughout the colder months.

Conditioner softens your hair, has a relaxing effect, gives it a clean look, moisturises your hair efficiently, settles your hair, and, like fabric softener, conditioner softens your hair. If you have fine hair or greasy roots, conditioner is still necessary to keep your hair healthy-looking and feeling wonderful.
