What are the benefits of Brown Rice? - letsdiskuss
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Aditya Singla

Marketing Manager (Nestle) | Posted on | Food-Cooking

What are the benefits of Brown Rice?


Lifestyle Expert | Posted on

Brown Rice has fat and more fiber and this can help in weight loss. If you like rice but keep avoiding it due to health issues, then Brown rice are the best alternative.

Dietitians have always advised to incorporate fibers in our diet. Whole grain foods like brown rice and brown bread have low amounts of fat and calories. Hence, brown rice proves a very healthy food, as it has less fat content and gives sufficient nutrients to your body.


According to experts, a person should consume 250 to 300 grams of fibers in a day. And with the diet including fibers, weight loss becomes easier. Due to the presence of fiber, chewing brown rice takes time and because of this, we feel our stomach is filled, before it actually is. This keeps us from over-eating.

Fiber in food, acts as a sponge and plays the role of absorption. It is chewed in the mouth and it passes through the stomach. The fiber rich food stays in the stomach and remains in the stomach for a longer period of time, which helps in getting the sense of fulfillment.


If you eat brown rice, you will feel more satisfied with less calories. Eating it also helps in the prevention of common problems of painful constipation.

Brown rice is also helpful in reducing cholesterol levels. This does not block the arteries and decreases the risk of heart-related diseases.

This also does not increase blood sugar levels. Due to its consumption daily, there is less risk of diabetes.
It contains good amount of magnesium, which is an essential element for bones.

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