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Medha Kapoor

B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on | Health-beauty

what are the benefits of Surya namaskar?


Company secretary,MBA | Posted on

Surya namaskar is one of the ancient methods to pay respect to the Sun god. Eventually, it became a popular form of yoga. I started my yoga lessons with surya namaskar, after practicing it for a month, I started experiencing positivity.

Basically, there are 12 poses in surya namaskar. It is recommended by experts to perform it 12 times in one set every day, which takes about 12 to 15 minutes. There are a lot of benefits of surya namaskar, some of them are:
• Weight loss: You can easily shed your extra calories with this yoga form.
• Improves skin health: Sun salutation offers another benefit. You can get glowing and healthy skin when performed regularly.
• Heart health: Improvement in heart functioning is one of the best health benefits of surya namaskar as it improves your blood circulation and enhances the functionality of the circulatory system.
• Better health of brain: The nerves and muscles of the brain works better when performing surya namaskar daily.
Some other benefits include improves the functioning of lungs, corrects any hormonal imbalance, better kidney functioning, and lots more. There are videos on the exercise available on the internet which helps you in easy understanding and practising. Start today and experience the difference in few days.


blogger | Posted on

yes its best for our health