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pradeep Choudhary

PG in nursing. | Posted on | Education

What are the best courses after a BSc in nursing?


@student | Posted on

You can join many courses after BSc.Nursing. If you want to gain your knowledge in Nursing then you can continue with MSc Nursing and you can choose any specialization in which you are interested in.


If you want to be an independent practitioner then you must go with Nurse Practitioner course for which you will need to have clinical experience.


Student | Posted on

It is difficult to choose a particular career after having an undergraduate degree in Science. There is always a classic method and then there is the rest of the streams. One's main focus should be to increase his knowledge in his own stream as well as have a vague idea for the least in rest of his/her career options.

The choices after B.Sc Nursing are :-

1. M.Sc Nursing - The classic stream. If one wants to continue with his postgraduate in the same stream, it will be quite helpful ache would already have a firm base and then his competition would also be better than others. You can further become a professional nurse to provide preventive and curative cures in the future.

2. M.Sc Neuroscience - A stream which is fairly developing in the country and definitely has a bright future ahead as there is an upcoming need in the market for professionals in Neuroscience.

3. M.Sc Medical Microbiology - There are different colleges in the country offering this course and every college has its own eligibility criteria, admission procedure, syllabus, fees structure, and placement training.One must visit the college website before applying in a particular college.
4. M.Sc Biochemistry - It is the study of chemical processes going inside a human body and related directly to the field of Doctors in the market. A biochemist reads the vital signs and also works with dieticians at health campaigns.
5. M.Sc Biotechnology - Perhaps a rapidly rising sector in the Indian technology. This is your dream start-up sector. biotechnology included also the Nanotechnology requiring an orthodontist to a orthopaedic. The classic example is humulin. Mind you though you have to study a lot and most of your time would be devoted in high technology and well equipped labs.

NOTE - There is also a post graduate program in Public Health management and Masters in one of the most upcoming technology I.e. M.Sc. in Renal science and Dialysis technology.

There are both Government and Private institutes for the post graduation but one must choose accordingly. It will be difficult to choose a new stream after this so one must decide firmly what he/she wants in future.


Blogger | Posted on

List of diploma courses after Bsc Nursing:

– PG diploma in Mental Health Nursing

– Emergency Nursing PG diploma

– PG diploma in Pediatric Critical Care nursing

– PG diploma in Ontological Nursing and Rehabilitation

– Neo – Natal Nursing PG diploma