What are the Psychological Benefits of Cycling? - letsdiskuss
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What are the Psychological Benefits of Cycling?


Fitness trainer,Fitness Academy | Posted on

Let’s get it straight, cycling is a kind of exercise and all exercises, apart from giving us physical benefits, also improve our overall mental health. Since you are talking about the psychological benefits of cycling, let me start with telling you that it is very helpful for those who suffer from depression.

In research conducted for mental health growth due to 75 different types of exercises, cycling held the second position following team sport. Those who play team sports have 23.3% fewer days of depression while those who cycle have 21.6% days fewer.

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It works better than aerobics and gym in keeping mind and body happy and improving the overall state of mind.

Following are some of the psychological benefits of cycling:

1. It is a cardiovascular exercise that helps reduce stress and anxiety.

2. It eases the mind of excessive stress and reduces the risk of depression.

3. Cycling helps us sleep better by reducing the levels of the stress hormones, cortisol.

4. It improves brain serotonin, thus improving our sleeping cycles.

5. Cycling boosts the building of new brain cells in the hippocampus –the area which is responsible for sharp memory. So cycling helps to increase our memory as well.

6. It improves creative thinking and helps in the mental block.

7. It sharpens problem-solving skills and boosts productivity.

So if you are addicted to cycling, congratulations! You have harbored a positive addiction.