What are the Steps To Manage Your Blood Sugar, When You Are Prone To Diabetes - letsdiskuss
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What are the Steps To Manage Your Blood Sugar, When You Are Prone To Diabetes


Visiting Consultant Physician, Rockland hospital, Dwarka | Posted on

Whenever a Patient is having impaired glucose tolerance and is on the risk of developing diabetes in long term, he should focus on following steps to prevent diabetes.

1. Weight loss and Regular exercise- At least 30 mins preferably 45-60 mins of regular exercise is very important. In the case of obesity, One should aim at reducing 10% of total weight within the first 6 months and then accordingly to maintain BMI(body mass index) below 25 kg/m2.

2. Lifestyle modifications- like
a) Stop smoking
b) Stop alcohol
c) Stop sedentary lifestyle and engage in regular activities

3. Dietary modification
a) Take fruits, vegetables, salads more in diet
b) Less fat in the diet
c) More fiber in the diet
d) Recent researches show that 2-3 cups of coffee is beneficial in improving overall health status including improvement in sugar level.

4. Regular monitoring of blood sugar preferably every 6 months if on the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.

5. TO see for other related problems like high BP, cholesterol issues, Heart problems.
