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It is one of the most horrible feelings when somebody takes you for granted. It doesn't matter whether it's your friend, colleague, or loved one, when people take you for granted, it eventually makes you upset. Below are ways how to deal with this situation.
1. Don't make yourself available all the time
You were taught to make time for others who are in the need of help. But it is the universal law, the more time you make for others, the more they start taking for granted.
2. Make a habit to say no
You have a very hard time say no to people around you? Change this habit of yours and say no when you can’t make commitments. You may think that you are getting rude but your inability to say no will only make others take your sacrifices for granted.
3. Don’t be too sweet
Stop pleasing people around but that doesn’t mean to be rude to others. But in reality, you may be too sweet in a real world that makes others to take you for granted.
4. Don’t seek approval
Don’t seek people’s approval to do anything at all, be it to go out with your friends or do something for the first time. Take your own decisions.
5. Know your worth
Last, but not the least, always know your worth. Usually, the people who take you for granted are the ones who know that they matter a lot to you but never compromise on your self-worth.
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