What current fashion trend makes you uncomfortable? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

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What current fashion trend makes you uncomfortable?


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In this era of fashion, every day, the designer is coming up with new designs clothes, and fashion sense with any fusion and creativeness. But in this race of creativeness forgot about the comforts. There are millions of dresses and accessories available in the market, but not all dresses and accessories have the same level of comfort. Well, fashion is always represented your personality if the fashions go wrong your personality is not looking good or maybe it impacts your image. So here we are going to discuss the fashion trend that makes you uncomfortable or the fashion you should ignore for your whole life. So, let’s get started.


Here are some fashioned trends that make you uncomfortable

  1. Silk Clothes- Silk clothes are very difficult to carry and care for. If the dying, washing, and ironing are done wrong, it can lose its look. The fabric of silk is too shiny and glossy. Silk also does not look too good on everyone’s body.
  2. Heels- Well, Girls wear heels to look tall and hot. Most of the girls carry heels to look tall. But the reality is heels always hurt their legs, and if you continually wear the heels, it destroys your body shape too. If any girl wears heels for hours, their legs start hurting. Especially their thumb gets hurt very badly.
  3. Artificial Nails- Nails are the beauty of the hand. Every girl wants to grow their nails as big as possible, but it is not possible for everyone. So, they use artificial nails, and artificial nails are glued on the fingers with glue, which is very easy, but when you want to remove it will be painful. So, think twice before gluing artificial nails. Your figure gets hurt and cutting the artificial nails will destroy your natural nails too.
  4. Skinny Jeans- Skinny jeans always give a perfect look. Almost all boys and girls prefer skinny jeans. But when you try it the first time is like a death of sorts for your lower body. After wearing it for some time, you started feeling comfortable. But the main concern is skinny jeans can cause muscle and nerve damage. It also causes compartment syndrome which occurs when blood supply is cut off to a particular body part.


In this article, we share some fashion trend that looks good but never gives you comfort. So always try to avoid the fashion trend which hurt your body and comfort too. We will suggest you don’t follow the trend which hurts your body. Staying healthy is more important to look good.