What do you mean by 'Hall marking' of gold jewellery? - letsdiskuss
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Annie Varghese

professional | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

What do you mean by 'Hall marking' of gold jewellery?


businesswoman | Posted on

Hall marking of gold jewellery is a process used to ensure the integrity of the jewel, or to identify its origin, purity and weight. It should not be confused with stamping or engraving which are often associated with less valuable materials such as silver. Hall marked jewellery
is usually not considered antique unless it was hallmarked prior to 1837 in Scotland as an exemption from Scottish law prohibiting the sale of imitation silver without a hallmark. The main reason for hallmarking was to help prevent fraud by ensuring jewellers could accurately value their wares which had been passed through many hands before reaching them.



student | Posted on

Gold is the most precious metal and used for various purposes. It is also used in making ornaments, jewellery, substances, etc. For a pure gold, Hall Marking is the most important introduced system in our society. Hall Marking is an official mark printed and seen on the gold materials to put a confirmation on the material. It is the sign that given materials are made of pure gold. Hall marking system is well developed in our countries.
