What food do you crave most often? - letsdiskuss
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Riya P

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What food do you crave most often?


Content Writer | Posted on

I love filter coffee and just can’t stand any instant one. In general, I crave to have a mug each time I have non spicy food. In a day I approximately take 3–4 cups which I know is high but I just can’t stop craving about it.


Self Employed | Posted on

There are several goods that I crave often. Tea, coffee, chowmein, aloo ka paratha, kheer, and so on are some examples. I would like to eat the mentioned foods at any time. If the question is what food I crave most often, I must say "aloo ka paratha". I like "aloo ka paratha" so much that I can complete my three meals only with "aloo ka paratha". No vegetables or something else are required with "aloo ka paratha". I can consume "aloo ka paratha" only with salad and onion. I eat "aloo ka paratha" often by making it with my hands.
