What is a great deal if Trumps’ didn’t bow down to the queen? - letsdiskuss
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Rahul Mehra

System Analyst (Wipro) | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

What is a great deal if Trumps’ didn’t bow down to the queen?


blogger | Posted on

Yes. He was impolite during the honor guard inspection by not giving enough room for the Queen to walk next to him, forcing the Queen to see his back. And no it does by any means not signal that Trump is putting America ‘First’, he was just downright impolite both to the Queen and the guards of honour.

I was a bit surprised when seeing Trump arriving in a Range Rover rather than the usual The Beast limousine. That seemed a bit off the travelling custom of a sitting US President.


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Trump has always been known for his antiques with other world leaders and lately, he is news for being “impolite” to the Queen of the United Kingdom. As the English media pan the US leader, it feels quite uncanny as to why they would expect such a thing.

The bygone Victorian era ego residues are still strong in the royal household and its followers, there is no reason why another world leader should abide by their standards of etiquette. And Trump is not just being slammed for his not bowing to the Queen, but also for walking ahead of her while she was hosting him in front of the Windsor Castle troops. The awkwardness caused by his behavior has made him the ***** of many courtesy jokes and to be honest, it seems a bit unfair to the man.

Granted that he is probably one of the most disliked leaders of the globe, Trump has always shown a sense of forthrightness when he met other heads of state. It is unjustified by the British media and the royal household to expect the leader of free and sovereign nation to bow their heads, just because the country still cannot do away with the colonial hangover.

In fact, Trump is the head of a Republican state and stays in power at the pleasure of his people – he has no commitments or owes nothing to a house which has just carried forward for decades now, costing the people of the country fortunes in their personal celebrations, as the country goes through a tough time financially.

Also, the royal family was only represented by the Queen, as the other members were unavailable for personal differences, which could be seen as an insult to Trump. He should enjoy a full state hosting and visit, because of his status as the leader of one of the most dominant countries in the West and the rest of the world.

The time has come for the rest of the world to get rid of these colonial etiquettes and enforce its own ideas of respect and brotherhood – which depends on gesture and humanity – and do away with these superficial courtesies that is the demand of has-been monarchy. In a world where democracy is seen has the ideal way of governing a state, the president of a Republic should always hold his own against a de jure and limited monarch!
