What is a typical Indian-s worst habit? - letsdiskuss
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Mason Crane

Surgeon | Posted on | Education

What is a typical Indian-s worst habit?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Oh well, there are plenty!

Staring, for the starters. It is almost an integral part of our culture now.

Stares and lots of it

People stare at others (and NOT just at women) likely to prove their alpha dominance over them. It’s a hushed rule: whoever takes away the eyes first is automatically a beta. The whole thing is about machismo, which usually stems out of insecurity.

So the next time someone is staring at you, understand the possible two reasons behind that: one, the person derives sexual gratification from that; two, the person is insecure and is subconsciously wondering if the other person is better than her/him.

No matter the reason, starring is a typical Indian's worst habit. As long as people remain indifferent, insensitive and un-empathetic, which they will for decades to come, this menace of staring will continue.

(Yes, I know the difference between looking and staring. Majority of the people don't look. They stare; even leer.)

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Gadgets Now)

(Courtesy: Boldsky)

The common ones

Throwing garbage and spitting anywhere in the public -- these are other typical Indian's worst habits, albeit a cliché ones that now nobody care about.

(Courtesy: Firstpost)

(Courtesy: Indiatimes)

Here's another one…

The dual standard

Being extremely polite, well-mannered and suave (and even anxious) when communicating with someone who "looks" educated or are from a different country. On the other hand, these same people would be quite rude, indifferent and abusive to anyone who doesn’t look educated like the rickshaw and chai walas. It's usually a result of poor self-esteem and lack of moral values in life.

(Courtesy: The National Herald)
Bargaining with the poor

We would bargain for 5-10 Rs from that old lady who sells vegetables on the street side. Even with the rickshaw walas, we would demand our Rs 1. But when it comes to departmental stores, food outlets and in front of a well-dressed salesman, our knees go weak when asking for change, we do not haggle from them. Heck, "keep the change" and we leave Rs 50 and 100 just like that.

It's sad that we clobber the poor while our personal insecurities prevent us from taking a stand in front of those who are evidently over-charging us by a large margin.

(Courtesy: Cornell University)

Other Bad Habits

· Bad habits of the Indian parents: being over-protective of even their grownup kids, treating their sons/daughters as their property, demanding their grownup kids to do things according to their wishes. BAD.

· Being very judgmental. And it’s evident on social media platforms like Twitter. Quick to make fun, troll, and hate of anything and everything.

· "Offence is the best defense" -- this is a go-to tactic for many even when they are wrong. If a bus or bike hits your car, they would go on offense, blaming you for that.

· STILL asking "what's your religion" or "what's your caste".

· Blindly following the western traditions. We literally have a large crowd who celebrates Halloween and Thanksgiving in the name of "cool". And in the same breath, they don't care about the likes of Durga Puja, Gudi Padwa, Kumbh and Pongal.

· Being overly nationalist to the extent of abusing and killing others who do not match that extreme level of jingoism. They are, of course, too ignorant to know that this country is made for people and people aren’t made for the country.

· Taking more seating space on public transports than what they actually spread. Manspread is real!

· Treating women, in the mainstream, as deserving of more respect vs. the men. This happens because we worship women and that "men are pigs" and now claiming to be a feminist is the "cool" for liberals. This has resulted in so many men getting framed on wrong charges. (Now, of course, beyond the mainstream, we do know the realities of how women are really treated in this country. That's a whole different topic.)

· Blaming Dhoni for every loss in a cricket match.

(Courtesy: India Times)

These are some typical Indian's worst habits.


Blogger | Posted on

old young lady from Ghaziabad, a week ago chose to invest energy with a kid, she met on Facebook. Them two were having pizza and alcohol in the recreation center and the young lady fell there out of intoxication in the recreation center.

Thus, she missed her training class and was not even in the condition to get back. Her beau dropped her, close to her home, one hour late than the typical time of her appearance.

When stood up to, the young lady disclosed to her mother, 'The educator in the training community assaulted me'. Offended, the mother recorded the protest against the training place instructor. The police captured the training place proprietor, however when they looked on to CCTV film, there they saw, that young lady and the kid in a plastered condition.

The young lady later admitted she created the story, just to get away from the fierceness of her mom.

After given clean chit, The instructing focus proprietor burst into tears and said that it was an instructor's day blessing to him which he can't overlook in his life.