What is Affiliate Marketing and what are the benefits of Affiliate Marketing? - letsdiskuss
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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | others

What is Affiliate Marketing and what are the benefits of Affiliate Marketing?


Affiliate marketing is the way of selling other products or service by advertising them or showcasing them in the website you own or by other means. If any sale happens for that particular product or service from your link, then you will get some commission amount as part of being that sale. Ultimately, if you have any website and if you receive organic traffic for that website from Google, then you can easily enter the affiliate marketing field and can earn more. In Affiliate marketing, there are several types are there. It’s not a rule that you should promote only using the website, you can do by any means and bring in the sales to get commissions.


Image Source - https://www.host1plus.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2018/04/1454x816.jpg

The main advantages of the affiliate marketing is that once you get going in particular domain, then the people will be started buying from you again and again and hence you will get more commissions as retainer. Say if you work for any hosting companies as affiliate, if any people buy hosting, then they are going to pay every year, so you will be getting commission every year as a retainer. This is the main advantage when it comes to the affiliate marketing.