What is considered mid size body and why does Mid-Size Women-s Fashion Is Growing on Instagram? - letsdiskuss
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What is considered mid size body and why does Mid-Size Women-s Fashion Is Growing on Instagram?


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Let us know the word that is trending now on social media, it is the ' mid-size '. It is a new version of the body type and it is opening up new conversations around body inclusivity. Typically the fashion industry follows a size chart. First, it was a straight size like size 0 and 16 Over the past decade, the 'plus-size ' lines have been introduced into the fashion world. The plus-sizes especially tend to cater for clothing sizes of 18 and above.

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The midsize is not yet a fashion retailer recognised term. It's in the initial stage of the internet movement. The term was started by Anushka Moore on her Instagram account, as the means to celebrate and recognise the " not petite but not plus-sized " fashion. It is the normal range between size 12- 18. This term is taken by the bloggers and influencers celebrating their odd size bodies. The mid-size women are slight of a silent majority. It's time for all to accept all the body types. All body sizes are beautiful in theory and that is the reason why representation is important. Everybody desires to have the perfect body fit clothes. Having a term to express your body type and have a wonderful set of fitting clothes will be a great idea and revolution in the fashion industry. Whatever is your size or it is straight size, plus size or midsize time fashion industry should update and represent us all equally.