Marketing Manager (Nestle) | Posted on | Science-Technology
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Dioecy (also called dioïcous) is the biological condition of having separate male and female individuals. The word comes from Ancient Greek diaioktos, meaning "having two forms", which refers to plants that have separate male and female flowers, such as those of the cabbage family. Though it may seem that a plant would need two individuals if it has both male and female flowers, there are a number of types of plant species where this structure can produce berries or capsules that unite to become a single individual with both reproductive structures.
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Founder & CEO at AERO2ASTRO | Posted on
Some notable Dioecious Plants incorporate Holly, Cloudberry, Asparagus, Date Palm, *****, Hop, Willow, Kiwifruit, Papaya, Dates, Yam, Mistletoe, Poplar, Mulberry, Ginkgo, Currant Bushes, Juniper Bushes, Sago and Spinach.
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student | Posted on
A simple method to recollect the implications of dioecious and monoecious is to look to the Greek prefixes di, which implies two, and mono, which implies one. With dioecious species, a few plants of the species have just the male regenerative organs, or stamens, while different plants of the species have just female conceptive parts, or pistils. As it were, the plant species being referred to has particular male and female individuals. With monoecious species, each plant has a few blossoms with stamens and a few blossoms with pistils.
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blogger | Posted on
this is depend upon ....
Willow, Kiwifruit, Papaya, Dates, Yam, Mistletoe, Poplar, Mulberry, Ginkgo, Currant Bushes,
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