Student ( Makhan Lal Chaturvedi University ,Bhopal) | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance
News reporter (CEN News ) | Posted on
Everything that is on people’s mind these days is related to money, directly or indirectly. And the most common complaint of those who earn money the whole month, is that they are unable to save anything at the end of the month.
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yes It is really helpful topic that you have shared about endowment insurance. Mainly this insurance policy is a type of lifeinsurance is a contract design to pay a lump sum after a specific term on its maturity .or in death. And typically maturities are ten twenty fifteen up to certain years of age limit. And endowment policy regular savings will helps more beneficial.
1)want to save for a particular event or goal over the long term, usually at least ten years
2)understand that the value of your investment can go down as well as up
3) Haveto receive a non-guaranteed lump sum at the end of your investment term
And this policies use regular savings plan
you make monthly or annual payments.
Part of your monthly payment is used to buy life assurance. How much depends on your age, sex, and how long the endowment is for.
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