What is Leptospirosis? - letsdiskuss
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Rahul Mehra

System Analyst (Wipro) | Posted on | Health-beauty

What is Leptospirosis?


Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on

Leptospirosis, a disease which has struck Kerala post floods, is also known as ‘Rat Fever’. It is a zoonotic infection which is caused by the bacteria Leptospira. This bacterial infection spreads mostly through the animals like dogs, rodents, and farm animals, which act as the carrier of the bacteria causing infection. The infection mainly spreads through their *****.

Letsdiskuss (Patients of Leptospirosis in Kerala)

Though not life threatening, there is a risk of acquiring this disease again in some cases which then requires hospitalization. This condition is termed as Weil’s Disease. Its symptoms include chest pain and swollen arms and legs.

Symptoms of Leptospirosis:

• Headache
• Muscle ache
• Jaundice
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Skin rash

Cure and Prevention:

• Leptospirosis can be cured by antibiotics like Pencillin and doxycycline. In severe cases though, you may need to be hospitalized, whence you get the antibiotics injected in your body.
• To prevent Leptospirosis, you may follow the following steps:

- Keep away from infected animals.
- Avoid contaminated water and water logging (this may be the reason of Kerala suffering from this disease after floods).
- Take special care of cleanliness while travelling.
- Use disinfectants like bleach, Lysol, and iodine.