Self-Starter!!!!! | Posted on | Science-Technology
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IP means Internet Protocol.
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Find your IP address:
On Windows:
Open the Command Prompt.
Type ipconfig /all and press Enter.
The "IPv4 Address" section will show your IP address.
On macOS:
Open the Terminal.
Type ifconfig and press Enter.
The "inet" section shows your IP address.
On Linux:
Open a terminal window.
Type ip addr and press Enter.
The "inet" section lists your IP address.
On a web browser:
Go to a website like
Your IP address will be displayed on the page.
You can also find the IP address of another device on your network by using the following methods:
On Windows:
Open the Command Prompt.
Type arp -a and press Enter.
A list of all IP addresses on your network will be displayed.
On macOS:
Open the Terminal.
Type arp -a and press Enter.
A list of all IP addresses on your network will be displayed.
On Linux:
Open a terminal window.
Type arp -a and press Enter.
A list of all IP addresses on your network will be displayed.
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