What is net neutrality? - letsdiskuss
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Amayra Badoni

Student (Delhi University) | Posted on | others

What is net neutrality?


Company secretary,MBA | Posted on

Net neutrality is a new concept that actually got popular a few years ago in India. It focuses that the data available on the internet should not be discriminated and should be treated equally. There was a campaign by the youngsters recently that urged the service providers and governments to not charge the users differently for some high quality content available on certain websites.

Government of India was ready to come up with plans that sold websites at some price. Thanks to the youngsters of the country who came up with network neutrality campaigns and stopped this burst before it could have taken toll on the internet users. Now, neither the consumers nor the startups require paying any hefty amounts to use the internet and they can carry out their works without spending expensive amounts.

A couple of years ago, this scheme of net neutrality was backed up by TRAI or Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. It made certain arrangements to stop the fever of rules from western countries from spreading to India. Well, even I was the one who signed the campaign and spread the word among my group. Stay tuned for more such news and make sure to hold hands and fight against such rules in future.
