What is Sankashti Chaturthi and why do we celebrate it? - letsdiskuss
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Urmila Solanki

BBA in mass communication | Posted on | Astrology

What is Sankashti Chaturthi and why do we celebrate it?


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Sankashti Chatuthi is an auspicious day that is dedicated to the Hindu god Ganesha. The elephant-headed god is worshipped when you do start auspicious beginnings in life.

Sankashti Chaturthi is observed on the fourth day, or chaturthi, of every month in the Hindu calendar. But when it falls on the fourth day of Krishna Pakshaof the year then worship of Lord Ganesha is said to be at peak. This day is even more auspicious, especially if it falls on a Tuesday or Friday.

Sankashti Chaturthi is celebrated across India and people in Maharashtra celebrate this day by the name of Sankat Hara. This day is also celebrated as Angaraki Chaturthi when it falls on a Tuesday.

The Sanskrit word "sankashti" means deliverance from troubled or difficult times, so people worship Lord Ganesha on this day means, will be blessed with peace and prosperity in the coming times. Devotees usually keep a fast to be free of obstacles on this day.
