What is so special about Bloodwood tree? - letsdiskuss
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Brij Gupta

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What is so special about Bloodwood tree?


BBA in mass communication | Posted on

Before I answer your question, let me recall for you the lessons all the parents used to give us when we were children. Most of us grew up hearing from our parents that we should not disturb plants in the evening as at that time they are sleeping. We have also heard them say that plants are hurt when we pluck a flower or a leaf from them.


(Courtesy: Art'einsky)
And indeed, it is true scientifically as well. Plants are living beings like us. They breathe, and they also need food and water. And, they also bleed. They have sap in them which is much like blood.
This bleeding part however, is truer in the case of Bloodwood tree, which got its name from a special characteristic is has. This special characteristic is that its sap is not transparent. It is red in color.

(Courtesy: The Awesome Daily)
So whenever you cut this tree, or any part of this tree, it literally appears bleeding. The sap can be seen flowing which looks exactly like human blood. So the special thing about Bloodwood Tree is that they have the capability of reminding humans that plants are also hurt and harmed whenever they are cut unnaturally.
The tree is famous worldwide due to this characteristic and is found in the jungles of South Africa. The tree is 12-18 meters in height and its bark is dark brown in color. The red-colored sap of the Bloodwood tree is used in medical treatments as well. Mainly, it is used to treat eye-problems, malaria, black water fever, stomach problems, and to increase milk in mothers’ breasts.


Blogger | Posted on

These are the most astonishing trees in nature. It is known for draining a red-shaded gum which looks precisely like blood. The other name of the bloodwood tree is desert bloodwood. These trees are local to the desert atmospheres of Australia.