What is Thanaka Powder - letsdiskuss
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Jayant Mohan

Blogger | Posted on | Health-beauty

What is Thanaka Powder


Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on

Being humans, we all are subjected to natural hair growth. It is still ignored in men, the beauty standards of our society don’t allow women to live with bodily hair without feeling awkward.

Women often suffer from hirsutism, a condition in with the androgen levels increase during puberty hormonal imbalances. This causesthe growth of hair on every part of the body which is more than normal.

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To avoid such conditions and the unwanted hair growth also, there is a400-year ancient technology which comes from Burma and is still used widely. This technology is Thanaka Powder, which ensures permanent hair removal.

In Burmese, Thanaka means “Elephant”, which is a giant tree found in Burma, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Thanaka Powder is made from the bark of this tree. It works as an ayurvedic medicine which weakens and even destroys the hair roots permanently. The powder cuts down the nutrient supply going to the roots, thus making them weaker day by day. This just not remove all the hair types permanently but even removes follicles forever.

The yellow-white paste of Thanaka made from the ground bark also functions in the removal of acne, smoothening of skin, and is anti-fungal.