Chief government offices of labour and Employment has push out e Shram portal to collect data of worker in un-organized sectors and NDUW database will be used to start new general lines, make come into existence more jobs in Future and get started new designs for Workers .
Benefits of E-shram card ----
- All having necessary qualities recorded, listed workers on eSHRAM portal gets a by-chance Insurance cover of 2 lacs under PMSBY from the day of Issue of agreement ." "Under e-shram portal , the rule by strangers of the worker is being made prisoner to make ready identity to the workers with their work.
- The e-shram design of the chief government offices of Labor and Employment is making certain that all in order to be very able to help for the citizens of the working class who are in pain or troubled from goods/money making slowdown during the corona period . Under this design, the Yogi government has got moved from one position to another rupees to the people recorded, listed on the e-shram portal in the Bank account at the rate of months.