What is the difference between nav tag and div tag? - letsdiskuss
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What is the difference between nav tag and div tag?


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<nav> tag and <div> are both HTML rudiments, but they serve different purposes in structuring a webpage.

1.'<nav>' tag:

- Purpose :

The label is a semantic HTML5 element specifically designed to define a navigation section on a webpage. It signifies that the content within it's navigation- related, similar as menus, links, or navigation bars.

- Semantic Meaning It provides a clear and meaningful structure to the document, making it more accessible to both inventors and assistive technologies.

2.'<div>' tag:

- Purpose:

The label, short for division, is a general vessel used to group and structure content on a webpage. It does not carry any specific semantic meaning and is frequently employed for styling purposes or to group rudiments for layout and design.

- Semantic Meaning While the

label is essential for layout purposes, it does not give any essential semantic meaning to the content it contains. Its part is to structure and style rather than convey the purpose of the content.

In summary,

is a semantic element specifically for navigation content, adding meaning to the structure, while

is a general vessel for grouping content, frequently used for styling and layout purposes without conveying specific semantic meaning.


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