What is the difference between psychiatrist and psychologist? - letsdiskuss
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Debalina Chakraborty

Counselor Psychologist & Motivational Speaker | Posted on | Health-beauty

What is the difference between psychiatrist and psychologist?


Though both the words sound similar and both are related to mental illness. They are not the same. While any person who is seeking help for mental problems, then these are the two names, Psychologists and Psychiatrists come to mind as both are trained for mental health care but precisely they offer varying types of mental conditions. Yes, they both essentially study the same subject but they have different approaches towards mental health. To know the difference, we first need to know what they study in their graduation.


A psychologist is a person who studies a program in medicine for a time of four to six periods to attain a Ph.D. or PsyD degree. They are also required to complete an exam to have a license in a chosen state to act professionally. Whereas a psychiatrist who studies a medical degree in mental health to attain an MD or DO. After graduation, they give an exam to get a license. Then they are required to practice for a minimum of four years in a hospital under the supervision of senior doctors. They are also required to renew their practice certifications every 10 years. After being certified, they are authorized to diagnose and give treatment documented cases of mental health. They are usually employed at a rehabilitation center, a major hospital, a medical University, nursing homes, or practicing in a private institution. Psychologists are not allowed to prescribe any medications on their own. They recommend talking therapies and exercises which are best suited for mild mental conditions, and that is all done through careful observation and counseling with their patients. They are also found in similar places as psychiatrists as stated above but they do prefer setting up a private practice.