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Jessy Chandra

Fashion enthusiast | Posted on | Health-beauty

What is the disadvantage of drinking water in a copper water bottle? Can cold or hot water can be used? Is there any disadvantage of drinking water in a copper water bottle?


Engineer,IBM | Posted on


I don’t know why I see so many people having misconception about drinking water from copper water bottle. Here’s a simple answer…

No, there is NO disadvantage of drinking water in a copper water bottle. If anything, it is much healthier. Copper includes important properties, which when mixed with water makes it much healthier. The water becomes naturally alkaline, which helps body balance pH levels. So you can store and drink both cold and warm water in copper water bottle.

However, point to note is that you should regularly clean the water bottle. Because it’s common, if left unclean, copper carbonate to accumulate inside the surface of the water bottle, which isn’t very good for consumption! So, wash the bottle daily. And you’re good to go :)