What is the full form of train? - letsdiskuss
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Abhishek Gaur

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What is the full form of train?


The full form of TRAIN is Tourist Railway Association Inc.. This is a non-profit organization in the United States that promotes the tourist railway industry.

However, the word "train" is more commonly used to refer to a series of connected railway vehicles that travel along a railway track. TRAIN can stand for Tourist Railway Association Inc., but it more commonly refers to a series of connected railway vehicles that travel along a railway track. Trains are used to transport people and goods, and they are an important part of transportation systems around the world.

Trains are powered by locomotives, which are usually engines that pull the train cars along the track. Trains can be very long and carry hundreds of passengers or tons of freight. They can travel at high speeds, and they are a very efficient way to transport people and goods over long distances.

Trains are a popular way to travel, especially for long journeys. They offer a comfortable and relaxing way to travel, and they allow passengers to enjoy the scenery. Trains are also a popular way to transport freight, as they are a very efficient and cost-effective way to move large quantities of goods.

Here is a fun fact: The word "train" comes from the Old French word "trahiner," which means "to pull or draw." This is because trains are pulled or drawn by locomotives.


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