What is the future of React Native? - letsdiskuss
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Sam BoTree

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What is the future of React Native?


React Native is a tool for developing mobile apps. It takes Javascript and renders it as a native app on Android or iOS. It’s pretty hot now, and the future of React Native seems promising with all of its recent successes.
React Native has a promising future ahead of it. Because it is supported not only by Facebook, but also by a large developer community. According to a developer study conducted by StackOverflow, 2019 React Native fans account for about 62.5 percent of the total. It plainly shows that React Native is among the most popular app development frameworks.


Also Read- What is React Native?


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React Native is one of the emerging technologies that is becoming highly popular in mainstream software development for mobile applications. The cross-platform framework built by Facebook is now the first choice for companies that want dynamic applications for both iOS and Android. It offers cost-effective, high-quality mobile apps in a quick amount of time.

The future of React Native seems bright as of now. Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Pinterest, are some big giants that use React Native, with more and more companies adding to it. Tesla is one of the latest additions - a company that is seeing tremendous growth. React Native simplifies the process of mobile application development due to the countless features it provides.

Many startups now use React Native because of its cross-platform compatibility and how fast it is. Developers can reuse the components in React Native without compromising on the code quality. They can share almost 95% of the codebase between the iOS and Android applications. React Native developers are in high demand as companies switch to this efficient framework for their mobile development needs.


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React Native is an open source UI software framework. It is created by Meta platforms, Inc. It is used to develop applications for Android, Android TV, iOS, etc by enabling developers to use react native. It is for sure that the future of react native is interesting. React Native performance has gone to a roof in the last few years. It has gained a great popularity and consumed by many top brands like Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Skype, etc.
