What is the latest fad among Indian married women? - letsdiskuss
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Alessia Fernandez

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What is the latest fad among Indian married women?


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

Letsdiskuss Fad and girls are inseparable. Indians are especially Indian women are driven by emotions. And marriage is the top most event in their life. So they will do some crazy things to show off their happy life to the whole world.

In earlier days Indian women were so shy that they never ever tell those 3 magic words to their husbands in front of any body. But now the trend is they are posting ILU and heart smilies in their husbands FB wall and tagging their husband in instagram.

Celebrating Anniversary of their first meeting is a must.

Posting marriage photo shoot and albums which cost more than a lakh in FB and instagram.
Posting marriage photoes is ok compared with posting honeymoon photoes. Yes you heard correctly. Nowadays girls are posting honey moon photoes and even nuptial night photoes with gungat.

Wearing handful of bangles. It looks good. But while going to office also they are wearing . May be they are forced to wear by their in laws.

Posting pictures of food they cooked in social media. And with tag like #dearhubby #cooking #marriedlife and so on.

They are behaving like teen age girls. They will make you think that they are the only person in the whole world who are happy.

But everyone has their own way of living. So if the married girls are sharing their happiness with the world it is OK. Let them enjoy.