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Ram kumar

Technical executive - Intarvo technologies | Posted on | Education

What is the latest revealed RRB exam pattern and when can the admit card be downloaded??


Thinker | Posted on

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has already come up with the guidelines and exam pattern for the first stage exam in its ALP and Technician recruitment drive 2018. The reports give a section wise information about how the first question paper is going to be. A mock test has also been uploaded online for the reference of the aspirants.

The exam for ALP and Technician recruitment is going to be online, the admit cards for which could be downloaded four days prior to the examination. The exam is expected to be conducted by the RRB on August 8th, 2018. Apart from all this, RRB will also provide Travel Authority to SC/ST candidates.
According to a news report, “The RRB ALP and technician CBT exam 2018 is a 60-minute test paper (80 minutes for eligible PWD candidates accompanied by a scribe) with 75 multiple choice questions. There will be negative marking (of 1/3rd mark) for each wrong answer”.
The pattern released is said to be a tentative one, but it does give the candidates an idea about how the paper is going to be.
Following is the list of subjects, with the no. of questions they will have:
• Mathematics – 20 questions
• General Intelligence and Reasoning -25 questions
• General Science -20 questions
• General awareness and Current Affairs -10 questions