what is the meaning of goodwill of the company? - letsdiskuss
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Vanisha Anand

CONTENT WRITER | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

what is the meaning of goodwill of the company?


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Goodwill is someone who comes to purchase one company from another. Whenever goodwill comes the reason can be anything may be the value of a company's brand name or it may be because of the customer's good relation or may be a solid base of customers. There were many reasons why goodwill exists. Business goodwill adds value to the company or we can say that it is an industry's profit multiplier.



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Goodwill is a legal term which signifies the quality of the intended overall benefit or value of the company. The goodwill of a company has become increasingly important in today's economic climate, where mergers and acquisitions are becoming more common along with significant market developments.
It is important to understand how to account for goodwill and what it might be used for when considering various capitalization strategies such as stock buy-backs, dividends, debt offerings, or even mergers. A company's goodwill and assess its true value so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it makes sense for your organization.
