What is the most overrated military of all time? Why? - letsdiskuss
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ashutosh singh

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What is the most overrated military of all time? Why?


teacher | Posted on

I would say america.
they spend the most on their military, similar to billions of dollars, they have all the cutting edge hardware, forced air systems for messages, a fixation on enrolling, a huge number of enrolled, apparatus and gear to kick the bucket for (in a real sense for many individuals).
however? name a war they have really won in gracious lets state the most recent 70 years, what about the last hundred, yes they were a piece of world war 2, however they were APART of the war, Britain, clean opposition, French obstruction, Russia, China, Australia, new Zealand, India ect they all contributed so despite the fact that america says they won the war, in any event, assuming praise for the war, (they like to think they spared everybody) they came in finally on the grounds that they were assaulted, they are the long distance runner who began at the last mile and boasts they won.
after WW2 what number of wars have they won? they are extraordinary at beginning wars, yet never at winning, typically they start a war ( once in a while causing them, faking assaults, setting various nations against one another), they are truly incredible at bringing in cash from war, yet winning meh.
Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1 and 2, Afghanistan, Syria, cuba (almost), the virus war, the battle against dread( messed more up than illuminated), Somali common battle, to give some examples, indeed presently America are in 8 progressing wars this century, forever and are tingling for a battle with Iran.
theres an explanation america gets ridiculed alot for their battles on oil I mean opportunity