What is the Nizamuddin case, how did such a crowd gather even after the lock down, now who will you call it responsible? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

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What is the Nizamuddin case, how did such a crowd gather even after the lock down, now who will you call it responsible?


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How the infection occurred in Nizamuddin, Delhi

Symptoms of corona virus have been seen in many people after organizing a religious ceremony in Nizamuddin, Delhi. A senior police officer said that the Delhi Police laid siege to the area. According to news agency PTI, police say that a large number of people gathered here without any permission.

The senior police officer said, "When we came to know that such an event took place, then we issued a notice for violating the lockdown in this case. Many people have been taken to the hospital after showing symptoms of corona virus in them. And they are being tested. "

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According to news agency PTI, a large number of people attended the gathering of Tablig-e-Jamaat in Nizamuddin. There were about six hundred people who came from other parts of India and also people from Indonesia and Malaysia. These people gathered here from March 1 to March 15.
In south Delhi next to it, some people may have got corona infection. Delhi Police officials have given this information.

After receiving the information late on Sunday night that many people are seeing symptoms of corona here, Delhi Police and CRPF officials reached here with the medical team.

According to news agency PTI, some people from Telangana had participated in this event in Delhi.
The Telangana government has said that 6 people involved in the program have died due to Corona virus.

The whole area has been sealed ...

At least one hundred of these people have been tested. Their report is expected by Tuesday. This entire area has been sealed. It also has the main center of Tablig-e-Jamaat. Adjacent to this center is the Nizamuddin Police Station and next to it is the Dargah of Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya.

Officials say that they are identifying people and sending them to the hospital for quarantine. After the death of a 60-year-old man involved in this gathering in Srinagar, the administration got the attention on this side.
Earlier this month, the Delhi government banned any kind of religious, social, cultural and political events till 31 March. Apart from this, the gathering of more than 50 people in the protests was also banned.

The Prime Minister has announced a lockdown of 21 days from March 25, in view of the risk of infection with the corona virus. Police are keeping an eye on those who violate the lockdown with drones.