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Medha Kapoor

B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on | Astrology

What is the parivartan yoga?


Expert in Astrology @ | Posted on

Parivartana Yoga indicates the exchange of houses by their respective house lords.
The same grahas will be owners of other houses, changing the prediction, or the yogas will be overlapping.

Yoga in a chart can be formed by single Graha also by placement.


Owner at Business | Posted on

Activation of parivartana yoga depends on both the combination and its signification and also the transit/mahadasha.

Parivartana yoga indicates the initial condition and the later condition, but also; the planets involved in the parivartan yoga indicate what kind of situation will lead to the parivartana.

For example, if the 10th Lord (Sun) is afflicted with Saturn and debilitated in the 12th house but Venus (which is also the the 7th Lord) is there in 10th house, there is an exchange between Sun and Venus. The yoga will get activated by marriage and it can be said that career and financial status will grow after marriage.


blogger | Posted on

Parivartan Yoga as the name recommends happens when masters of two houses are set in one another houses. For instance, in a horoscope arrangement of planet Mercury in Libra and planet, Venus position in Gemini will be considered as Parivartan Yoga among Venus and Mercury.


Blogger | Posted on

At the point when propitious houses frame an association with alternate promising houses through favorable yogas, it gives favorable and good outcomes. Aside from Trine and Kendra, there are Trik and Upchay houses in which Parivartana Yoga is framed. ... Rashi Parivartan Yoga in propitious or ominous planets.


creative writer/ poet | Posted on

Parivartan is a Hindi word which means “Exchange“. Mutual Reception or Parivartan means exchange which can be of Signs/Nakshatra or Aspects between two planets. Parivartan not only means exchange of signs- it denotes exchange of power, energy, natural nature of each other and everything. Whenever there is an exchange of signs between planets it means they are in mutual connection with each other and will work together.

This yoga transforms a persons life. The unexpected events or sudden changes may be good or bad according to the houses involved in the yoga.

There are three kinds of parivartan yogas in astrology. They are as follows:

Maha yoga : yoga formed when both the houses involved are auspicious. It is a wonderful combination in a chart where both the planets complement each other.

Maha yoga is formed when the lords of 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and 11th houses mutually exchange with each other. The houses involved are kendras, trikonas and two special houses related to wealth.

Dainya yoga : dainya yoga involves the evil houses and it is not a good combination. 6th, 8th and 12th houses are inauspicious and when their lords exchange houses with other lords forms dainya yoga.

Khala yoga : third house is seen as a mild malefic and when its lord exchange houses with 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses, khala yoga is formed. Khala yoga gives lots of fluctuations in natives life.
