What is the Right Age to get Married? - letsdiskuss
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What is the Right Age to get Married?


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According to law, marriage is a legal act of two people deciding to unite and live together for further life. But marriage is a vital chapter of our life in which we make a life-long commitment to be with each other at good and worse times, to make each other happy, share feelings and responsibilities. It also unites two families through one bond.

According to the government, the legal age for marriage is 18 years for females and 21 years for male. But the perfect age to marry is completely relative. It depends on the person if he or she feels prepared for marriage. If one feels responsible enough to take all the responsibilities marriage and its consequences bring. If a person likes to work and continue to work until he collects everything to settle a family and if a person likes to marry first and then save money, a person wants to marry at 22, a person wanting to marry at 35, everything should be equally respected. Our state of mind and peace of mind is the most important thing to take care of in life. So if one is going to get married or not get married, the thought of his decision should provide a feeling of peace and a sense of satisfaction.Letsdiskuss The age fixed by-laws are to restrict child marriage crimes but your legal marriage age does not indicate the starting of your countdown which will end soon. It depends on both persons getting married.

Image source- entertainmentbracket.com