What is WhatsApp-Amazon scam? - letsdiskuss
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malik Seo

Blogger | Posted on | Science-Technology

What is WhatsApp-Amazon scam?


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

Usually people give less credibility to WhatsApp forwards and WhatsApp news. And now this new fake forward about Amazon's 99% is doing round and round. Engineers and researchers spend their days and nights in improvising technology. But at the end the miscreants are upsetting us as well as the innovators with these kind of actions.

During Diwali festival season, every year Amazon and Flipkart offers a huge discount in their yearly sale. And in US and UK the black Friday sale will be on 23rd November. During these peak seasons some troublemakers are spreading false news about Amazon sale. They may doing this to make havoc or may be just for fun or to acquire people's personal information. These WhatsApp messages are about Amazon sale and a link of Amazon to get 99% discount. Can you believe it? Who will give 99% discount in these days?

But everyone may not be as wise as us. It is very difficult to control temptation, that too of 99% discount. So some of them have opened the link which was a link to fake Amazon page. Without realising that it is a scam, they opened the link and provided their personal information like, email address, phone number, and credit card details as they give in original Amazon page. But as it is a scam the users get nothing. On the contrary they will end up sharing their precious personal information to criminals.

In the end the scam message asks the user to forward the message to 10 people to get discount. And people are forwarding these scams to their friends. So like this the false Amazon sale scam is circulating in WhatsApp. If you come across, don't open that message in WhatsApp.

image source -amazonaws.com
