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Ankit Pandey

@letsuser | Posted on | others

What love means


Fashion enthusiast | Posted on

Love, above all, means acceptance according to me. I know these days the meaning of love has taken many different colors, but I also know that it’s not true love. Here are some ways in which we define love and decide its degrees or intensity:

• Always being available for each other.
• Giving them gifts on anniversaries and Valentine’s Day.
• Not showing interest in anyone except your partner.
• Making your partner’s hobbies your own hobbies.
• Meeting every day.
• Never contradicting each other
And the list goes on……..
Actually, all this is nothing but bullshit. Repeating again, love above all, means acceptance. And it also means letting go at the same time. If you love someone you’d love them for whoever they are and would know that they love you for who you are, and none of you needs to change for being loved. If your love demands you to get changed, it’s not true love.
Also, love is not a trade, neither a compulsion. It’s not necessary that your beloved loves you with the same passion and intensity as yours. It’s not even necessary that your beloved loves you. Like virtue, love is its own reward. Love does not enslaves, it frees you. So you should never try bounding someone with the chains of your love. You should rather support them with your love and let them fly to the heights they want to reach.
Love someone like a bird loves her younger ones.