What makes Kashmir World Film Festival so special? - letsdiskuss
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Sneha Bhatiya

Student ( Makhan Lal Chaturvedi University ,Bhopal) | Posted on | Entertainment

What makes Kashmir World Film Festival so special?


Thinker | Posted on

It is special in every way. Kashmir valley is one such place where there are many people who appreciate art, but no platform to exhibit it. In this scenario, events like Kashmir World Film Festival and the art exhibition, Concourse bring a ray of hope to this valley of death, protests, and encounters.

This year’s film festival brought to Srinagar, 47 films in 19 different languages. It may not be a big thing for people living in other Indian regions, but in Kashmir it has its own special significance. The valley does not have even a single movie theatre or any other modern source of entertainment. Amidst this such events fill the audience, constituting of the locals, with great enthusiasm. The festival hosted many Kashmiri Muslim artists and became the platform for the return of Kashmiri Pandit artists in the valley.

According to the local artists, art forms an inevitable part of people’s life and Kashmir lacks it. The film festival and the art exhibition are some of the ways in which these people can relate their emotions with the expressions of the film makers and the artists. It indeed brings a solace to the otherwise tumultuous valley.
