What new blow has Congress got ahead of General Elections 2019? - letsdiskuss
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Vikas joshi

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What new blow has Congress got ahead of General Elections 2019?


Marketing Manager | Posted on

The impending Lok Sabha elections have caused a great tumult in the political atmosphere. The shuffling of politicians from one party to another is the new trend which can be seen. Many politicians are leaving Congress for BJP, and there are many who are turning their backs to BJP for Congress.

In recent years, BJP has admitted many politicians who were initially in Congress.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: The Financial Express)

The new name in this list is that of Tom Vadakkan. He has earlier served Congress as a spokesman in Kerala. He is also said to be quite close to Sonia Gandhi. At such a crucial time, it is a great blow to Congress that one of the top politicians of the party has joined BJP.

The reason for his shift, as Tom Vadakkan has himself told, is the lack of qualified leaders in Congress. He has been in Congress for 20 years, he said. Now he is fed up of the politics played by Congress on the Surgical Strike, and among all this, he thought to join BJP to be the best option.

Congress, however, is not reacting on this and says it is indifferent on the matter. Congress, in fact, says that Mr. Vadakkan was never involved in any big decision. How true this claim is can only be seen after the results for General Elections 2019 are out. Till then, all I can say is BJP is undergoing the process of Congressification right now.