What % of the India population invests in the stock market? - letsdiskuss
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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | Education

What % of the India population invests in the stock market?


If we look at the proportion of people who invest directly in the stock market, it's less than 1% of the entire population, and if we look at both direct and indirect investments, it's just 2 to 3%. Indirectly, this refers to investments made through mutual funds, life insurance companies, and other similar instruments accessible in India.

For more than a decade, I've been trading and investing in the stock market. I live in Mumbai, which is the financial capital of India and the headquarters of most multinational corporations. Because my father worked on Dalal Street, where India's stock market began, I've felt and observed it carefully.

The stock market investment scenario is always shifting. People are gaining information about the stock market thanks to digitization.

The number of people participating in the stock market, either directly or indirectly, is growing. Indirectly, this refers to mutual funds and other types of fund sources. Few individuals were aware of mutual funds five years ago, but investment in mutual funds has grown significantly since then.

Also read - What is the reason of increasing population in India?
