What questions have Azam Khan posed regarding the security of EVMs? - letsdiskuss
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Brij Gupta

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What questions have Azam Khan posed regarding the security of EVMs?


Marketing Manager | Posted on

Azam Khan of Samajwadi Party is again making it to the headlines. This time he has claimed that if he doesn’t win by 3 lakh votes in Rampur, it would indicate the hampering of EVM machines on a large scale nationwide. It is important to note here that the opposition has been again united against the security of EVMs and is planning to take a strict action against the Election Commission on this ground.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Hindustan Times)

The competition of Azam Khan in Rampur is with BJP’s Jayaprada. Now that voting process has ended all over, and results are about to be announced, EVM has again become the center of controversy in the political arena.

Among all this, videos of the EVM getting hampered have gone viral in Uttar Pradesh. This incident also supports the claims of Azam Khan. The issue of the security of EVM and sending notices to various politicians for it is being raised from quite some time, and the inaction of EC is being questioned time and again. This passiveness of the Election Commission is posing a challenge to the free and fair elections in the country which will create a problem for the whole country in long run.