What shall I do after being known that the person I love has cheated on me, he has a wife and 2 children but he assure me that he loves me and he is not happy with his wife? - letsdiskuss
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What shall I do after being known that the person I love has cheated on me, he has a wife and 2 children but he assure me that he loves me and he is not happy with his wife?


Thinker | Posted on

First of all, let me tell you that I'm very sorry for you and that no woman deserves to be in such kind of a situation.


No coming to your question, I think first of all you should be confident and clear about your feelings towards your lover and your lover's feelings towards you. Make sure it is true love and not just attraction which might fade away with time. Because for such flings you just can't put so many innocent relationships at stake.

After making this thing sure, think if your love is big enough to justify the destruction of the relationship of a father with his children and that of a husband from his wife. Try putting yourelf on the place of his wife. Just like you think the person is cheating on you, that woman is also getting cheated in the same way and he's cheating on her with you.

He may have given you many explanations and justifications of him leaving his wife. But think rationally how many of these are actually valid. If he says he doesn't love his wife, remember that he has loved and tolerated her enough to have 2 children with her. So maybe he is just bored of his mundane family life and remember, you are not a thing to be used for recreation.

Your lover is in a win win as he has either you or his family. But do you have this luxury? Even his family doesn't have this luxury.

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So bottomline, it's best to end things just here.

And if you are veey deeply in love with him, ask him to take a stand and see if he too loves you equally. Best would be to end at least of the two ties for him, because this small destruction can save a bigger harm that may take place later.

All the best!