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Sumil Yadav

| Posted on | Science-Technology

What technologies will be available by the 2020s?


Engineer,IBM | Posted on

1. Wearables or implants to monitor your health : Some health executives predict that we will have gadgets by 2020 which will enable real time diagnostics for cancer, the immune system, intestinal flora, and conditions like pre-diabetics. Google had begun developing tiny magnetic particles that could search the body for biomarkers that indicates the presence of cancer and other diseases. The particles could be delivered via a pill, and would make it easier to detect cancer or predict a heart attack.

2. 5G Smart phones and networks : While we are enjoying the speed of 4g network, but now the industry groups and wireless carriers are already eyeing the transition to 5G technology, which will likely be defined in 2018, codified in 2019, and deployed in 2020. 5G phones are likely to experience much lower latency than we are used to with 4G, which would mean faster loading apps and websites, plus lightning-speed downloads of videos.

3. Self-driving cars : The New York times reported that despite the enthusiasm with which the industry executives discuss the future of self-driving cars, In the next few years they’ll increasingly be able to follow the curving roads, change lanes, safely navigate intersections, and stop and start on their own --- but they still require human supervision. By 2020, there are expected to be around 10 million cars with self driving features on the road.

4. Devices that run intelligent assistants locally : The intelligent assistants we’re using currently are Siri , Cortana and Google Now – need an internet connection and a lot of data to answer your questions and respond to your requests. But in future we’ll have smart phones, tablets and wearables equipped with intelligent assistants that perform deep learning tasks locally.

5. Completely wireless smart home gadgets : Computers , smartphones wearables devices, even smart home sensors: No matter how long their battery last, they all have to be plugged into a power source to get charged. But Washington researchers have developed technology that enables gadgets to work and communicate using only energy harvested from nearby T.V rsdio mobile phone and WiFi signals.