What was the role and sacrifice of India in the First World War? - letsdiskuss
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Ram kumar

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What was the role and sacrifice of India in the First World War?


Student | Posted on

India had an enormous role to play in World War One but it was not as acknowledged due to the extent of annihilation caused to the respective countries directly involved.The main reason for India’s huge involvement as believed was how the leaders thought it would help the India’s own cause of Independence if they provided aid to Britain in the war.India sent a staggering number of it’s soldiers to fight in this great battle.From the corners of the regions such as Punjab,Uttar Pradesh,Maharashtra,Tamil Nadu and Bihar an astounding amount of approximately 1.5 million,according to statistics, volunteers stepped forward to fight and martyr on field. There was a high cost which came due for us,Indians which was not only in monetary terms.Around 50,000 of our men died,65,000 were left wounded , 10,00 were reported missing while 18 Indian Army nurses were killed.We also supplied around 1,70,000 animals,huge supplie like jute for sandbags and an enormous amount of loan to the British Government.The force created was known as Indian Expeditionary Force A and it was under the command of General Sir James Willcocks. Also, in “Indian Economy and Society during World War One “, the loss incurred by the Indian economy came about to be around 367 million pounds.But still,the heroic feats undertaken by our soldiers have not been representated clearly regarding World War One as many surveys have concluded.
