Increasing of population is referred as the overpopulation in which population is excessively increased. Overpopulation in itself is huge issue which harmful for the country’s development and economy too. This issue should be raised by whole world not only by some overpopulated countries. The reason for the overpopulation is advancement in medical and enhancement of agricultural products. But this is causing very bad effect on the world as:-
· Exploitation of resource :- we have adequate amount of resources but somewhere they are getting exploited for no use and because of which we face scarcity of resources now. As forests are cut down to build houses and big industries which are creating pollution and tempering the life on earth.
· Depletion of employment:- employment generation is the big task for any country . And due to increase of population and advent of new hi-tech machines to artificial intelligence has depleted the employment opportunities. Because of which in search of employment people tend to migrate their countries and states and make them over populated. It also leads to the unequal distribution of income and create inequalities which further creates many problems and issues.
· Lack of infrastructure:- due to rapid increase in population it is huge task to build up housing facilities , roads, schools, hospitals and other places. As population is increasing whole economy is affected which results in increasing slums to overcrowded houses and traffic congestion too.
· Increasing costs and decreasing production:- inflation is the main concern over the population. There is inequitable distribution of resources which initially results cost increase and decrease of production. It causes economic misery and sluggish business development .