Whether we should invest or be away from share Market given the current Indian and Global Economic conditions? - letsdiskuss
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Komal Verma

Media specialist | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

Whether we should invest or be away from share Market given the current Indian and Global Economic conditions?


Financial analyst (Mudra finance company) | Posted on

If you want a simple answer, here it is—if you have the capital that you can afford to lose, go with the age-old saying “BUY THE DIP”. But if you’re short in finance, it’s better to stay out of the game for a while, look how the market shapes in the coming months, observe where the startup ecosystem and booming IT sector of India is heading and then make your decision accordingly.

While many believe that the current volatility in the stock market is normal and a big correction, others believe that this is a big sign of imminent recession. Both sides have some leading industry names and experts. As a spectator, one cannot say which one is right and which one wrong without being bias to the other.

In the coming months, we would see how the global economy shapes up when big events such as voting in Russia and Iraq will happen. Also, one needs to keep an eye on where the cryptocurrencies are heading. Keeping in view all these, only then one can predict how the Indian and global stock market will shape up to be.

Right now, entering the market is like treading an unknown land. How that decision will pan out is very uncertain. On the other hand, if you’re really good in TA yourself and know about few companies/shares that are shielded from these market events, you should definitely enter into day trading.
